Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics

General info

The general info section in the graphics cards comparison list contains information about the date of release, type, overall rating and other useful data for identifying winner between Iris Xe Graphics G4  vs  UHD Graphics.

not rated
Place in performance rating
not rated
Generation 12.0
Generation 12.1
2 September 2020 (1 year ago)
Release date
2021 (recently)
no data
Price now
Tiger Lake GT1
GPU code name
Tiger Lake GT1
Market segment

Technical specs

Which GPU is better between Iris Xe Graphics G4  vs  UHD Graphics in the fabrication process, power consumption, and also base and turbo frequency of the GPU is the most important part containing in the graphics cards hierarchy.

10 nm
Manufacturing process technology
10 nm
Texture fill rate
Pipelines / CUDA cores
1100 MHz
Boost clock speed
1350 MHz
15 Watt
Thermal design power (TDP)
15 Watt

Compatibility, dimensions and requirements

Let’s discuss how graphics cards Iris Xe Graphics G4 and UHD Graphics come in different sizes (length), connector types and types of interfaces.

PCIe 3.0 x1
Ring Bus


Graphics cards memory plays important role both in gaming and in applications for graphics. The card will perform much quicker and better, if it has more memory capacity and right memory type. What is the difference between Iris Xe Graphics G4 vs UHD Graphics.

System Shared
Memory type
System Shared
Shared memory
no data

Video outputs and ports

Let’s find out the difference in extra ports between two graphics cards. What's the difference between Iris Xe Graphics G4 vs UHD Graphics.

No outputs
Display Connectors
No outputs


Let’s have a look what is the difference. It is worthwhile to note that NVIDIA and AMD are using different technologies.

Quick Sync
no data

API support

The confrontation between the two contenders Iris Xe Graphics G4 and UHD Graphics is practically over. The hardware support (API) does not greatly affect the overall performance, it is not considered in synthetic benchmarks and other performance tests. 

12 (12_1)
12 (12_1)
Shader Model

Gaming performance

Select form the list the required name to identify gaming performance for Iris Xe Graphics G4 and UHD Graphics graphics cards. The result shows how fast the game will run and whether it can be run on this computer. The different monitor resolutions – from low to 4K – are used for testing. Find out is the Iris Xe Graphics G4 or UHD Graphics good for gaming.

Horizon Zero Dawn (2020) Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
Death Stranding (2020) Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
F1 2020 (2020) Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
Gears Tactics (2020) Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
Doom Eternal (2020) Iris Xe Graphics G4
UHD Graphics
5 Stutters – This game is very likely to stutter and have poor frame rates. Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, average frame rates are expected to fall below 25fps
May Stutter – This graphics card has not been explicitly tested on this game. Based on interpolated information from surrounding graphics cards of similar performance levels, stutters and poor frame rates are expected.
30 Fluent – Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, this game should run at or above 25fps
40 Fluent – Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, this game should run at or above 35fps
60 Fluent – Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, this game should run at or above 58fps
May Run Fluently – This graphics card has not been explicitly tested on this game. Based on interpolated information from surrounding graphics cards of similar performance levels, fluent frame rates are expected.
? Uncertain – This graphics card experienced unexpected performance issues during testing for this game. A slower card may be able to achieve better and more consistent frame rates than this particular GPU running the same benchmark scene.
Uncertain – This graphics card has not been explicitly tested on this game and no reliable interpolation can be made based on the performances of surrounding cards of the same class or family.
The value in the fields displays the average frame rate of all values in the database. Move your cursor over the value to see individual results.

Advantages of Iris Xe Graphics G4

There is no accountable advantage

Advantages of UHD Graphics

There is no accountable advantage

So, Iris Xe Graphics G4 or UHD Graphics?

Judging by the results of synthetic and gaming tests, we recommend Iris Xe Graphics G4 .

Iris Xe Graphics G4 versus UHD Graphics performance benchmarks comparison

User rating

3.5 Out of 27 Hitesti Score
3.9 Out of 855 Hitesti Score